Chong Liu


Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge
19 Silver Street, Cambridge, CB3 9EP, United Kingdom
Institute of Economics, School of Social Sciences, Tsinghua University
30 Shuangqing Road, Beijing, 100084, China




I earned my Ph.D. in Economics from Tsinghua University. I am engaged in independent postdoctoral research at the Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge.


My research focuses on Mathematical Approaches for Classical Political Economy, Marxian Economics and Post-Keynesian Economics.


I also have interests in the topics on China’s Economy and the methods of Spatial Analysis.


I am committed to analyzing problems and proposing solutions from the perspective of Political Economy while promoting a critical and constructive dialogue with Mainstream Economics.




  1. Li, Bangxi, Chong Liu, Feng Zhao and Yanghua Huang. 2019. “Production Structure, Income Distribution and Macroeconomic Efficiency: An Analytical Framework and Empirical Study of Marxist Political Economy (in Chinese).” Economic Research Journal [TOP Chinese Journal in Economics], 54 (3): 181-193 [ERJ2019]

    Abstract: In the current literature, there is little systematic research on the relationship among adjustment of the income distribution, change in economic structure and improvement of macroeconomic efficiency. This paper expands Marx’s reproduction schema into the “Marx–Sraffa” three-department structure table comprising fixed capital, general means of production and means of consumption and employs China’s input–output table from 1987 to 2015 to portray the relationship between income distribution and macroeconomic efficiency under investment-driven growth. This paper calculates the wage–profit curve of China’s economy and evaluates the space of macroeconomic efficiency improvement in China based on the deviation between actual and potential income distribution structure. The results show that there is a downward trend of the profit rate, which meets Marx’s theoretical prediction, and the decline in the profit rate is mainly attributed to an increase in the organic composition of capital arising from the rapid growth of fixed capital investment under extended growth. The analysis of macroeconomic efficiency shows that the space for improving macroeconomic efficiency is extremely limited under traditional growth pattern and that China must transform its economic development pattern and foster new economic growth drivers.

    李帮喜, 刘充, 赵峰, 黄阳华. 生产结构、收入分配与宏观效率——一个马克思主义政治经济学的分析框架与经验研究[J]. 经济研究, 2019, 54 (3): 181-193.


    • Translated into English and Reprinted in 2021 by China Political Economy , 4 (1): 110-127 [CPE2021]

      China Political Economy 翻译转载、被中国人民大学复印报刊资料全文转载

    • Ranked 15th on Academic Influence among 2,952 Papers [TOP 0.5%] in Political Economy in China (2012 - 2019)

      入选“中国政治经济学最具影响力的学术论文(2012~2019)”前0.5%(第15名 / 2952篇学术论文)

  2. Liu, Chong and Lirong Jiang. 2022. “The French Regulation School: Core Concepts, Theoretical Evolution and Enlightenment (in Chinese).” China Review of Political Economy [TOP Field Chinese Journal in Economics], 13 (6): 146-174 [CRPE2022]

    Abstract: Born in the economic crisis and crisis in economics in the 1970s, the French Regulation School (FRS), theoretically inspired by Marx and other radical economists, advocates studying the capitalist mode of production (CMP) as a historical process with the “Regulation Approach” as a leading paradigm. It is of great significance to examine the achievements and new progress of the FRS. This paper reviews the core concepts and theoretical evolution of the FRS from the perspective of Marx’s economics. We find that the institutional forms, mode of regulation, and accumulation regime jointly determine the capitalist economy’s self-regulation, self-renewal, and self-development, where five types of crises are also involved. There is a strong continuity of studies among scholars of different generations. The transformation from Fordism to Post-Fordism and exportism as a dominant mode of growth in the East Asian newly industrializing economies (EANICs) has attracted the attention of scholars in the 20th century while emphasizing the central role of the state in regulation is an essential theoretical turn in the 21st century. Regarding methodology, the FRS pays attention to complementary economic and extra-economic mechanisms, integrated micro and macro perspectives, historical induction, and contradiction analysis, all of which have rich reference significance for the innovation of Marxist economics.

    刘充, 姜力榕. 法国调节学派:概念体系、理论演进与启示[J]. 政治经济学评论, 2022, 13 (6): 146-174.


Working Papers


  1. Toward a Three-Sectoral Reproduction Model of Fixed Capital Depreciation and Investment-Driven Economic Growth: Theory and Policy Simulations from Chinese Input-Output Data (with Bangxi Li and Jim Huangnan Shen)

  2. Real Economy and Economic Fictionalization: Theoretical Framework and Indicator Construction (in Chinese, with Bangxi Li and Liang Chen)


  3. Fixed Asset Investment, Accelerated Depreciation and Economic Growth: Theoretical Framework and Empirical Evidence (in Chinese, with Bangxi Li and Feng Zhao)


  4. Is There Fictionalization in China’s Economy? A Comparative Analysis of Marxist Political Economy (in Chinese)


  5. Recent Development in Research on Fictitious Capital and Financial Capital (in Chinese)


  6. The Study of Economic Growth from the Perspective of Production Theory: Marx, Neoclassical and Post-Keynesian (in Chinese, with Bangxi Li)


Work in Progress


  1. Marx or Keynes? Revision of the Mathematical Model of Endogenous Public Expenditure (in Chinese, with Bangxi Li and Yi Ge)


  2. Coordinated Development and Spatial Spillover Effect of Macroeconomic Efficiency: An Empirical Study Based on the Provincial Input-Output Tables (in Chinese)


  3. The Efficiency of Finance in Serving the Real Economy: An Empirical Study from the Perspective of Fictitious Capital Theory (in Chinese)
